Is KMLA the best place in the world?

Is KMLA the best place for me in the world right now? Is there no place that I'd rather be? Hmm.
 To be straight forward, I'd say yes to the first question and no to the next. Those are two very distinct questions. By my experience, what you want is not always something you need. People say the best medicine is always the one that tastes the worst. For us, the best place may be a place where we are able to fulfill our full potential as a student. Which is, as painful to admit as it is, our school we are currently living in. Of course, there's like a thousand places I'd rather be than this place. Sometimes, it'd be harder to find a place that I'd rather not be in this world; the Bermuda triangle, or the Amazon forest maybe.


  1. Funny and bright. And wrong. The only correct answers are No.


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